Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Step One, Two, Three

And then again, maybe I'm not...

For anyone just joining us, let's recap. Due in no small part to several nudges and comments over the last week, I had finally decided to make another concentrated push at writing again. Large or small I was going to set aside some time each day, give myself a deadline, and write... anything. So what happens after the first day? I run in to one of my not so unusual sleepless periods.

That is it was the weekend, I didn't have to work, and of course I couldn't sleep. Oh I still averaged 5 hours a day, it just that it came in dribs of 1-2 hours at a time. This of course causes me to be even more lethargic then my normal and thus any desire to, well do anything vanishes. I end up not cleaning, cooking, working on my house, or even playing a game. I basically veg all day long, trying to maybe become interested in something, tv, music, anything at all, and not succeeding.

Luckily this only happens maybe every other month or two, and is usually sparked because I'm overworked, over slept, and just not focused on anything. Others who I've confided in have put forward the theory that I might be a little manic depressive. The major flaw with this theory of course being I'm never in the manic phase. Plus when I'm lethargic I'm not depressed, just uninterested.

Is it some sort of early, early Alzheimer's? Doubtful, as I have only one grand parent with Alzheimer's, and they didn't begin to exhibit problems till their late 60's early 70's. I still have some 40 years then. I've also had certain odd memory issues since I've been a kid. Such as trying to remember a person or place's name. Never could, but I can fairly easily remember long strings of numbers, and have a high, not perfect, photographic style memory.

Then why? I don't personally know, and probably can't afford the neuro-physicist who might be able to find out.

As for a psychiatrist? Likely they would either side with the manic depressive, or decide it's some sort of adult ADHD. And I'll admit, in a way it is some sort of adult ADHD. But I don't think taking drugs designed to "mellow" one out would solve a lethargic problem. Amphetamines on the hand might, but I'm not very big on drugs to begin with. Which is odd contradiction because of my personal politics, but that's a completely different subject.

Anyways, due to multiple factors currently in my life, including my weird sleeping schedule, I'm not sure if there ever is going to be a good answer to my problem. However my flatmate, with whom I discussed this recently, half joked he was going have me take ginsing and some other memory herbs and such. I think I might try them out.

As to the writing... well I'm back at work, so likely I'll sleep normally again for the rest of the week, and that means I'm back to writing, again.

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