So its day two, and allready I'm feeling the pinch. This morning I got up, brimming with ideas for articles, wondering if I could keep myself from burning out to soon from writing. However now its the afternoon, and all those same ideas have fled. In this case though, I blame work. No, really, I blame work. Still don't believe me, allright how about I blame having worked on the webpage a lot more then I had intended today? Satisfied, then let's continue.
At this point I freely admit, that drained me of all creativity was the work on the webpage. Coupled to the fact that I'm a wee bit tired from having stayed up to late and this blog has just become a liability. However, I made a deal with myself, and a deal is a deal. So here I sit, writing something for today.
Hmmm, what should I write about then? The War going on over in Iraq? The game I'm in Beta testing with right now, that I really want to talk about, but can't cause of the NDA (such are the hassels of being in an Exclusive Beta. Luckily Open Beta will begin shortly.) How about my Big Fat Greek Life? Course, I'm neither Big, Fat, or Greek, but this is a column on life, and the general quirks, so I guess it'll do.
As Forrest Gump would say, "Life is like a box of chocolates."
Aaaannnnngggg.... Wrong Forrest, life isn't like a box chocolates, but tell him what he wins as a consolation prize Johnny? Well Chris, how about a meaningful life, full of surprises, sadness and happiness.
On the other hand, life trully is a strange thing, and a lot of times, you never know whats going to happen next. Whether you get a rich cholocate piece that puts a smile on your face, a carmel filled drop core, that sticks to the roof of your mouth like a bad aftertaste. And like a box, you have to take the good with the bad, till all is done with.
The silver linning in all this, is that over time you learn to appreciate the good with the bad, and the good becomes just that much sweeter to grab hold of. For example, right now...
Right now, it's cold and it's raining outside. It has been raining for four days and I'm starting to feel like I need to go out and found two of each animal, and get them on to the nearest boat. I'm tired, I'm cranky, I spent to much time awake last night, I forgot my checkbook, I'm just one straw short of breaking that camel's back. But then I take a step back metaphorically and look at what's really going on around me. I take measure and my optimistic streak kicks in and I smile.
Why? Cause I'm writing. I'm bloody, balls to the wall writing. I sat down at this computer with nothing to say, and yet now I've written out an editorial. Admittedly it may not be my best, and it may tend to repeat itself, but I have written several paragraphs worth of semi-meaningful stuff. I've actually accomplished another day's worth of creativity and in the process kept my outlook going on this life.
Even more then that, I feel good about myself.