I was talking with one of my coworkers just a short while ago, before getting out of work to head home and eventually to yet, when by some round about logic chain he asked why I wasn't writing. Well, actually he asked why I wasn't in the movie business, but in way that really meant he was asking why I wasn't pushing myself and my writing in to the lackluster from his point of view entertainment industry. When I then explained that I tend to be to much of a perfectionist, accounting for my currently two year drought in writing creativity, he again asked why.
After I had gone back to my desk, I pondered that question; why wasn't I trying to write. I know I've been stuck after having belted out 50,000+ words for a National Novel Writing Month challenge, and I was stuck because I really wanted to go back and edit the volume before trying to write the other half and finish it. But why hadn't I attempted any serious blogging, writing or anything else very creative in over two years? The real reason? I don't know. But at that moment I vowed, like I've done a handful of times in the last ten years, to try to do some daily writings. Thus I went back to my coworker, and challenged myself, with him as a witness, aka meddlesome friend who will razz me to no end if I don't finish what I start, to write something every day.
Then I hit a different sort of obstacle, what the heck was I going to write about?
After a few minutes of brainstorming I eventually decided to write a book review on a fairly good book I had read just the weak previously. I was going with this book, mostly because even though I've read two other books since, it was the only one to actually remain in my memory, which of course is a good thing. The problem was, that on the way home my mind began to drift as I attempted to scribe a good review.
What happened, was that I kept getting side tracked by a number of logic chains. First I recalled that the book I had read, by pure chance a major core of it's background had been referenced at least twice in different articles or events. Remarking on this short term coincidence, I then segued to a different logic chain, where upon I realized, I had been reminded, or prodded to a minor degree about writing as well this week. I also realized that I had been goaded enough that when my friend pushed the last button he finally put me over the tipping to do something about it. I also realized I had been nudged enough that any review I attempted to write, would probably head back in to remarking and talking about the various confluences and coincidences.
Thus on my first days sojurn in to writing, I've ended up writing this, one long "cat vacuum" of a post, about nothing more then the fact I've been prodded to write, and am going to attempt to write every day, all without trying to promise again what I haven't been able to do in the last two years.
Then again, at least I'm writing...