When as a writer, you attempt to put words down on a page or screen, you necessarily want to start with at least some direction. Direction of course, is usually at least some kernel of an idea, some word, phrase, or passing fancy to begin the metaphorical creative first step. Once you have this idea, you can then usually turn this first step into a dance of sorts, by putting one word after another, one sentence after another, and one paragraph after the next. Eventually, you are then moving from a simple cha-cha of words, to the tango of a story. However, like in any sort of dance, the first foot forward, has to know a little of where to go.
A couple of weeks ago, my friend Jeff, whom you can visit via the Friends and Family link, caught up with me and let me know he'd be in town with, well his family. Family in the loss sense of the word, being the people he cares about, hangs out with, and decided to come to town with, including his significant other MC. Knowing I would be up for a change, and having met several of his family before, he invited me to have lunch with them all, and basically introduce me to MC. I agreed, as any social life addition is more then welcome. Although as I found out later, I almost had to deal with his visit, another friend's visit, and another friend's birthday party on the same day. This of course being a karmic revenge for having little to no social life for the last four years, and of course now moving to shift that might allow it. The bad news, was the second friend ending up not being able to come down. But I was less harried, although still pretty much out the entire day.
As I digress, I eventually met up with Jeff and his family for lunch, which ended up being, me, Jeff and 9 or 11 women at one table. This wasn't as bad as some people might imagine, as most of the women were under 30, and those that weren't, didn't pay it any mind. So conversation wasn't the type cast girly, and it was a rather enjoyable meal.
After we had finished the meal, various groups went in different directions and I decided to walk with Jeff and MC. While strolling the conversation at one point turned to writing. As Jeff and I have both struggled with writing over the years, each with our own demons to fight in trying to become what we would call a writer, this type of conversation was not wholly unexpected. MC being relatively new to it, metaphorically kicked both our asses and pointed out things we knew, but had ignored. As such we both eventually fell to her authoritative arguments and agreed we'd try writing, again, and again, and again, till we finally break through the last wall to find ourselves, writers.
Whether or not this actually happens, I can at least say that MC is a great women, and Jeff is a lucky man to have her in this now time. And yes, this counts MC! Cheers.