Wednesday, April 16, 2003

[TB] Aye Captain, the wind is taking us West!

Tis Wednesday and time is running short. I have practice this evening and thus little time to do anything but work, eat, and sleep. Yet, here I am typing away once more. At the moment, this all seems a little pointless. After a morning of catching up on some blogs that I like to read, checking up on all the news, editorials, comics and what not, I've come to the startling conclusion. This blog has no Direction! Whatever shall I do?

Yes, I freely admit it. This blog has no set Direction. In the week it has been alive, I have yet to take control of the rudder and steer this webpage into a definitive direction. Which of course begs the question, why haven't I? The answer: I'm not quite sure. It's true I have yet to set a purpose for this website. It's also true that my topics have jumped rather widely, from computers, to like, to a book I had just finished reading. I know that my initial stated purpose was to get myself writing again, but I also expected to find something specific on which to alight. And yet I still haven't.

Maybe its because setting a direction would lock my course to one subject, thereby driving me insance because one day I can't espouse on the political problems of China. That can't be it, can it? I mean I always though Direction was a good thing. It gives you goals to work toward, narrows the field of topics such that you don't get overwhelmed trying to think of a topic, and in general shows you have determination. Also having a direction allows one to fit you into a niche, and decide if they want to keep track of your blog too. So is it really such a good idea, to not have forced a direction on oneself allready? Fine, lets pick a topic to stick to.

How about Computers? Sure I want to talk all day long about how to install a motherboard properly, what a pain in the arse it can be to answer some customer's questions, and though it's a rather neat idea, I don't think I could talk about the sociological ramifications of computers on society, all day, everyday.

What about Politics? You pinko, commie, ultra-conservatice, peace loving, warhawk you... Okay, lets put this to bed right now, I'm neither Republican, nor Liberal. I have views on both, but belong to neither. I'm a moderate and very passionate about it. But even I'm not crazy enough to do a blog on politics all the time!

Humor? Mel Brooks I am not. Although I believe myself to be funny, I know that honestly I can be rather dry, and that often I miss my mark all because my brain runs to fast for my mouth. So the funny, no. I'll warn you though, I will occasionally force you to listen to what I pass for humor, especially on stuff I laugh at that I do.

Medicine? Dammit Jim, I'm a writer, not a Doctor

Err Computer Games? *boink* See Computers stupid. I don't play enough games to rate being an expert on all of them. Those I do, I can sometimes talk for hours on end about, but once I'm done, its hard starting again till inspiration does strike.

Education? Me Chris. Me hit you on head real hard. Me let you know, how much I can type about Edumucation. Get the idea Poindexter? I haven't been in school for several years, I currently have no kids, so discoursing for weeks on end about the education system is not something to swear a warrant out about.

Entertainment? Do you really want me to inform the RIAA on you? Yes, I have a few books I'd like to write about Hollywood, the music industry, and what not. At the same time, I don't want to piss them off that bad. Someday I want them to buy one of my books and make it into a movie. So yes I can write about them, but no, it won't be all the time.

Oo, Oo, I've got it, books! Here, put read this closely. Snap! Let that be the end of that thought. I want to write them, not be a critic of them all the time. Opinions, fine, nothing more, thank you very much.

Ow, that hurt you bully... Hey, I know, Violence! Sigh, okay, lets set the record straight. Yes I appear to be a rather violent person, right here, and right now. The truth is, I'm not. In real life the most violent I get, is when I'm practicing in the SCA, using heavry Ratan bats on another human being, who is trying to do the same to me. The upside is that we are both wearing 40-50 pounds of protective armor, and secondly, I'm not that good yet so I usually take more blows then I deal. When I write however, I tend to exhibit a cartoonish sort of violence, because its funny to me. Hey, blame it on cartoons.

Life? Ah, life, that sciopathic exsistence that careens madly, to the beat of coincedence and chaos. Yet, people do seem to be learning, even with the occasional set-backs. I can discuss life to no end, however I freely admit, I'm no phillosopher. I don't know the meaning of life. And though I trully do like it, I'm not sure I could write about something different everyday.

Okay, I give, you pick. What do you think I've been trying to do for the last half dozen paragraphs? Talking with myself.... okay, so I have, big deal. So I can't seem to convince myself to concentrate on any one topic, and yet, I believe I have found a direction.

Like life, direction isn't always about getting from one place to another. Direction is sometimes about the getting there. Just take a look at humanities constant need to explore the world, to push new boundaries, to develop new technologies, to grow. This webpage was started because I wanted to write again. In the week that I have, I've also been constantly fiddiling with the html coding, improving pieces here and there, understanding new techniques, seeing life in new ways. In short, I've been growing. Thus in retrospect, I have found a direction for the webpage. It may not be a standard topic, but it is a topic. And although there is no one word to describe, it is a direction, that is, to learn, to grow, to explain, and to experience. The journey then is the direction, and here's to it!

"Mr Davenport! Raise the sail. We have a new course, and it is the New World!"

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