Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Reboot Part Redux

A couple of months ago, I finally decided to look in to re-writing my home page, just to show that a) I'm still alive, and b) I can still web code. However while working on my project offline, I ran into some snags. As such, I again put it off. During this hiatus I was introduced to some nifty little programs to streamline my online reading habits. In the process, I was also finally clued in and up to date on whatever latest web innovation was going on. Much to my surprise, my original blog site was finally undergoing a major facelift. Since my new site hadn't been much active, I realized that I might want to at least put up something, or I might as well throw in the towel.

Since I didn't want to give up on writing, as you can plainly see, I've converted the new site over to the new Blogger and will be in the coming days, weeks, months or even years be trying to post and designing a new blogsite. Maybe even one that I'll finally be happy with. Till then though, write, read, and be merry, for tomorrow you might get writer's block.